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Save big with exclusive savings on 175,000+ items through group purchasing power.

Unlock instant savings with Sekure + Buyers Edge

Lower costs on essentials
Get rebates on everything from ingredients to disposables.

No product changes needed
Keep buying from top brands like Unilever, Tyson, and Dole.

Hassle-free savings
Submit proof of purchase, and Buyers Edge handles the rest.
Go beyond food costs
- Front-of-house perks – Discounts on uniforms, signage, TVs, and payment processing.
- Back-of-house efficiencies – Save on sanitation, pest control, utilities, and waste removal.
- Employee benefits – Exclusive deals on footwear, apparel, phone plans, and more!

How it works — It’s free!
- Sign up online — Quick and easy form
- Confirm your account — Buyers Edge will reach out
- Start saving instantly — Get rebates with every purchase