Get your free Buyers Edge account

Save big with exclusive savings on 175,000+ items through group purchasing power.

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Unlock instant savings with Sekure + Buyers Edge

Lower costs on essentials

Get rebates on everything from ingredients to disposables.

No product changes needed

Keep buying from top brands like Unilever, Tyson, and Dole.

Hassle-free savings

Submit proof of purchase, and Buyers Edge handles the rest.

Go beyond food costs

  • Front-of-house perks – Discounts on uniforms, signage, TVs, and payment processing.
  • Back-of-house efficiencies – Save on sanitation, pest control, utilities, and waste removal.
  • Employee benefits – Exclusive deals on footwear, apparel, phone plans, and more!

Who can save

icon of a restaurant from the front

Independent restaurants

Would you buy better if you had 100,000 locations? Clearly! Buyers Edge leverages the power of their purchasing contracts to reduce costs on items you buy every day.

icon of a strip mall with multiple restaurants

Multi-unit restaurants

350+ manufacturer contracts boost profitability with rebates and deviated prices on 165k+ line items. Plus, Buyers Edge helps control spend and gives expert advice on contract negotiation.

icon of the beach with the sun and umbrella in the sand

Leisure & recreation

Event venues, parks, golf courses, and sports complexes cut costs with data-driven purchasing, discounts, rebate optimizations, extendable contracts, and exclusive manufacturer deals.

icon of a hotel

Hotels, resorts & casinos

Hotels and casinos reduce costs and track spend on everything from pork loin to pool chemicals, with hundreds of specialized, plug-and-procure OS&E savings programs available.

Healthcare facilities & non-profits

Buyers Edge simplifies purchasing for long-term care, senior living, nursing homes, hospitals, daycares, churches, and non-profit meal programs—helping you save time, reduce costs, and focus on quality care.

Educational facilities

Kindergartens to colleges use Buyers Edge to monitor spend and measure the impact of their contracts. Plus, K-12 schools earn loyalty rewards to cash in for valuable prizes and equipment.

Retail & consumer business

Grocery, convenience stores and concessions get discounts and cash-back rebates on grab & go, disposables, and janitorial supplies. Track purchases and get cash back.

How it works — It’s free!

  1. Sign up online — Quick and easy form
  2. Confirm your account — Buyers Edge will reach out
  3. Start saving instantly — Get rebates with every purchase

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