Effective line busting strategies for store owners

Effective line busting strategies for store owners


Time is money: 73% of shoppers will abandon their purchase if they’re required to queue for more than 5 minutes. Around the same amount will seek a competitor if they think they’ll encounter quicker checkout times.

Commerce moves fast, therefore retailers need to adopt the necessary strategies to ensure customers can convert quickly — and that’s where line busting comes into play.

In this article, we’ll unpack what line busting is, its benefits and six effective implementation strategies for retailers.

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The benefits of line busting

Line busting refers to the use of technology and service processes to reduce wait times for customers in service areas — particularly in retail where long lines can deter shopping, impact sales and degrade customer experiences.

The core benefit of line busting for retailers is faster checkout times. It’s by adopting tailored line busting strategies that retailers can streamline the transaction process, which has a downstream effect on the following four areas:

  1. Reduced store congestion: Line busting helps spread out customers and reduce crowding, particularly around checkout areas. Through line busting strategies, the store's layout becomes more accessible and less intimidating to navigate. This setup is noticeably beneficial during busy periods or special sales events, when high foot traffic can otherwise lead to a cramped and uncomfortable shopping environment.
  2. Improved customer service: With line busting technologies, staff are no longer anchored to cash registers. This mobility allows them to engage with customers throughout the store, help locate products, answer questions and handle transactions on the spot. This level of interaction provides a more responsive and personalized shopping experience.
  3. Increased sales opportunities: Beyond not losing customers due to long wait times, shorter wait times and improved store circulation often encourage customers to explore more and make additional purchases. Line busting technologies equip staff with the tools needed to process transactions anywhere in the store, which also opens up opportunities to recommend complementary items and increase average order values through strategic cross-selling and upselling.
  4. Enhanced customer satisfaction: The combination of quicker checkouts, more open shopping spaces and proactive customer service enhances the overall shopping experience. Customers appreciate the ease and efficiency, leading to greater satisfaction and increased likelihood of return visits and loyalty to the brand.

Each of these four factors impact the bottom line. U.S. retailers lose up to $100 billion annually due to long lines and word spreads. Conversely, retailers who adopt line busting strategies can reap the reputational and financial benefits of line busting.

6 effective line busting strategies

From customers picking up their goods without leaving their vehicles to sophisticated automated checkout systems, there is a range of line busting strategies that retailers can implement.

1. Mobile checkout

Mobile checkout refers to the use of portable point of sale (POS) devices by staff to process transactions anywhere within a store.

This line busting strategy allows employees to meet customers where they are, be it on the sales floor or in a queue — facilitating purchases right on the spot. Mobile checkouts eliminate the need for customers to converge at traditional fixed checkout stations, thereby reducing congestion and enhancing the overall shopping experience.

With that said, retailers often struggle to locate a mobile POS solution that both facilitates line busting and suits their specific needs. That’s why at Sekure Payment Experts, we work with the leading POS equipment and software vendors to ensure you’re matched with the right systems and equipment — cost-effective yet high, tailored functionality — for your retail operations.

2. Self-service kiosks

Self-service kiosks are standalone terminals where customers can conduct transactions without staff assistance.

These kiosks are equipped with user-friendly interfaces that guide customers through the checkout process, from scanning items to making payments. By allowing customers to serve themselves, these kiosks speed up transactions and reduce staffing needs.

3. Curbside pickup

Curbside pickup is a service where customers order online and pick up their purchases without leaving their vehicle. This line busting method has gained popularity as it meets the demand for contactless shopping, providing a convenient option for customers and retailers alike. Curbside pickup yields multiple benefits beyond convenience: reduced store congestion, improved operational efficiency, and the ability to maintain sales volumes even during peak times.

4. Home shipments

Home shipments involve customers making purchases in-store or online with the option to have items delivered directly to their homes.

This service reduces the number of transactions processed physically within the store, helping to decrease congestion and streamline the overall shopping process. As 60% of retail shoppers opt for home shipments over shopping in-person, this line busting method kills two birds with one stone: online customer needs are met while in-person lines are reduced.

5. Automated checkout systems

Automated checkout systems enable a seamless shopping experience where customers can pick up items and leave the store without going through a traditional checkout process.

Automated checkout systems vary in their level of sophistication. While self-service kiosks fall in this category, other technologies like RFID sensors and computer vision can track purchases in real-time, allowing customers to simply exit the store with their items as charges are automatically processed through their linked accounts or mobile apps.

6. eCommerce storefront

An eCommerce storefront is an online platform that allows retailers to sell products and services over the internet.

This virtual store functions as an extension of a physical shop, offering customers the ability to browse and purchase items remotely. For retailers, it expands their market reach and availability beyond traditional store hours, while providing customers with a convenient, accessible shopping option that complements physical store visits.

There are various factors for retailers to consider when deciding on an eCommerce payment solution: transaction fees, compatibility with existing systems, security features, ease of integration, customer support, the capacity to manage multiple currencies, and the list goes on. At Sekure, we offer eCommerce payment solutions that tick all of the boxes. We pair retailers with eCommerce payment solutions that both lead the industry in functionality — advanced fraud detection, secure customer information storage, broad multi-payment and currency support, and more — and keep costs low.

a person paying for their meal by tapping their phone on a handheld terminal

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Assessing the success of line busting

What does line busting success look like, specifically?

Once you’ve implemented a line busting strategy, it’s necessary to track its progress to ensure its viability and to inform any potential adjustments. Here are four key metrics and data points to look at when looking into the success of your line busting initiatives:

  1. Customer wait time: Track the average time customers spend waiting in line before and after implementing line busting measures. Significant reductions in wait time indicate that these strategies are enhancing the flow at checkout points and effectively minimizing customer delays.
  2. Transaction speed: Measure the duration it takes for a transaction to be processed, from the moment a customer initiates checkout to when the transaction is completed. Shorter transaction times post-implementation demonstrate that the line busting technology or method is improving operational efficiency.
  3. Sales conversion rates: Compare the ratio of visits to purchases before and after line busting strategies are applied. An upward trend in this metric suggests that reducing wait times is positively influencing customers' willingness to complete purchases.
  4. Customer feedback and satisfaction: Collect and analyze customer feedback on their shopping experience, particularly regarding checkout speed and service quality. Increased customer satisfaction scores or positive comments related to quicker service times serve as reliable indicators that line busting initiatives are meeting customer expectations.

The specific strategies you adopt and the metrics you look at to gauge success depend on the specific goals of your business, the nature of your customer interactions, and the operational environment of your stores. For instance, a retail store with high foot traffic might prioritize mobile checkout solutions to best manage peak times, while a grocery store may focus on self-service kiosks to streamline the shopping experience for customers with smaller basket sizes.

Assess your customer’s demographics and technological adeptness, the nature of your products and their purchase patterns, and the general layout of your store to determine which line busting strategies will be best for your retail business specifically.

Need help? Speak with one of Sekure’s Payment Experts.

Partner with Sekure for line busting solutions

At Sekure, we specialize in providing POS solutions that effectively enhance retail operational efficiency. Our team of Payment Experts are skilled in deploying line busting strategies that work to reduce wait times and streamline your payment processes.

We collaborate with top equipment and software vendors to equip your business with the most suitable tools for your specific needs — from mobile checkout to advanced eCommerce solutions. Our Payment Experts are on your team, but don’t just take our word for it: “Sekure Payment Experts always go above and beyond for me. They never disappoint. Thank you again for always helping to resolve any issues,” says Diana S from Retail Power Tools.

Our solutions are crafted to adapt to the diverse requirements of different retail settings, ensuring scalability and flexibility. By partnering with Sekure, you can optimize your transaction processes and improve the overall shopping experience.

Learn more about Sekure’s POS solutions for retailers.

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