2019 holiday shopping will be mobile: Is your business ready?

2019 holiday shopping will be mobile: Is your business ready?


This holiday season, mobile is forecast to have a significant impact. A recent analysis from NetElixir predicted that 72% of all searches will be made on a mobile phone, leading to 45% of all online purchases. A recent Google study took it a step further by stating that 76% of people who use their smartphones to search for something nearby will visit a business within a day.

These numbers correspond with MiQ’s Holiday Shopping study, which found that 65% of shoppers will use their mobile phone to make Cyber Monday purchases, compared to just 49% on desktop or laptop. What’s more, the study also found that mobile device usage will not be limited to just purchases, but in-store experiences as well. And shoppers plan to use their mobile device to check product reviews, store locations, and order status.

Why it matters to merchants

This Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Small Business Saturday, shoppers will be looking for more convenient ways to shop, and it’s up to you to put your products and services in front of them.

Shoppers are always looking for an easier, friendlier shopping experience, and mobile devices have allowed us to shop anytime, anywhere. Staying ahead of the trend at this busy and important time of year is essential for your business’ success.

What you should do about it right now

It’s time to drive traffic to your website and increase sales!

The first step is to make sure your website offers a good experience on mobile. This will not only give you happier customers, but Google will reward you with better search rankings as well.

Use these four action items to enhance your web presence on mobile:

  1. Run a test to see whether your website is mobile-friendly by entering your website address into this free Google webmaster tool. The analysis will tell you whether your site is mobile-friendly or not, and if not, it tells you what you need to improve. Some of the suggestions may be easier than you think, and can have a significant impact!
  2. Check how fast your website loads by using Google’s PageSpeed tool. If your site is not up to snuff, Google will give you a checklist of things to do to maximize your speed.
  3. Now that you’ve checked out these two tools and made the suggested improvements, test the mobile experience yourself. Imagine yourself as the user while you go through the pages.
  4. Don’t forget to sell, sell, sell! Make sure your home page or landing page offers a clear call-to-action on mobile, like “Call Now”, “Buy Now” or “Get a FREE Quote”. Don’t make potential customers hunt for it!

Speaking of selling … once your website is up to par on mobile, it’s time to create some special holiday offers for Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Small Business Saturday. Be sure to offer special pricing throughout the holiday season – your customers will be searching for it!

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