The safest way to accept curbside and delivery payments

Since customers are increasingly using their phones and contactless cards to make payments, using a mobile, contactless terminal will allow you to reach more customers, especially if you’re a retail store or restaurant owner. Moreover, in an era of COVID-19, where social distancing and shelter-in-place orders are in effect, having a mobile terminal will be handy for curbside pick-ups and deliveries.
Contactless payments
Mobile payment is a form of contactless payment, where customers can easily make purchases by waving or tapping their phones in front of a reader. These readers are equipped with NFC technology that uses short-range radio signals. Widely-used mobile payments systems are Apple Pay, Android Pay and Samsung Pay, also referred to as mobile wallets. They’re practical, especially among the younger tech-savvy generation.
Contactless cards are another option, where customers can tap their cards to pay. Now that touchless technology is gaining ground, banks and credit card companies are issuing more and more contactless cards, which have a wave symbol pictured on them.
If you operate a restaurant or another business where customers are not close to the cash register or point-of-sale (POS) system, consider getting a wireless card reader. It’s convenient for pick-ups and deliveries services - customers can pay from anywhere, they only need their card in hand. In addition, you won’t be charged processing fees.
There are different card readers available - stand alone unites or plug-ins, depending on what your retail store or restaurant requires.
Smart terminals
Long gone are the cash register days. Smart terminals are the new and improved point-of-sale (POS) systems that continue to evolve. They’re multifunctional devices that allow customers to pay using different methods. Depending on the smart terminal’s model, cards can be: swiped (using magstripe), inserted (PIN and EMV chip), tapped or waved (contactless and RFID).
Using a combination of hardware, software, and touchscreen design, smart terminals can offer business solutions, enabling you to accomplish more tasks efficiently. For example, tasks can be simplified with PayAnywhere’s smart terminals as retail store owners can scan barcodes to track inventory. They can also accomplish time- consuming administrative tasks quicker by sending invoices, setting payments to vendors and tracking sales through the system. Payanywhere Smart Terminal and Smart Flex are particularly appealing for curbside and delivery payment as they provide on-the-go payments, including offline transactions.
In today’s rapidly changing world, being responsive to growing demands and accommodating your customers is a must. Sekure can offer free solutions to help you securely and seamlessly accept mobile payments, including our Payanywhere 2-in-1 and 3-in-1 Credit Card Readers. For a mobile and contactless terminal, we recommend Smart Terminal, Smart Flex, Smart POS, or 3-in-1 card readers. If you are looking for a virtual terminal, try PaymentsHub, or for e-commerce.
We know implementing a new payment process can be challenging and we’re here to support you and help you find creative solutions. Contact our Payment Experts today.