Sekure Payment Experts – Small business volume advantage

If you're a merchant, you know the importance of accepting credit cards from your customers and how it has become a near necessity in today’s marketplace. Unfortunately, you probably also know all too well the heavy cost that comes along with it.
You may have tried changing processors only to find that you're still paying just as much, if not more than what you were initially quoted. You may be thinking that no matter which company you go with, it's going to be the same.
You start to face the reality that unless you're a huge corporation, your relationship to your payment processor and the rates they’ve offered are directly related to the size of your business and the volume of your monthly credit card transactions. Most merchants feel that there are not many choices. Either they accept the costs associated with taking credit or they become a cash-only merchant and limit their customers.
Sekure Payment Experts offers a far better solution where merchants can have their cake and eat it too! While you’re not going to grow four hundred times your size overnight, Sekure Payment Experts makes it possible for you to access much lower rates by becoming one of the 400 plus merchants we work with every month. This volume allows us to get you the lowest rates possible with very little effort on your part.
If you were to negotiate with a processor you would be negotiating your volume, now every processor wants a new merchant, but your volume always dictates the rates they will offer you. Not only will you have to do all the legwork but you will also have to do the entire necessary due diligence that comes along with selecting a new processor.
However, working with Sekure Payment Experts has other perks than just the lowest rates. Free Equipment, early termination fees reimbursement and an unparalleled support and integration team are just few things that come with our service.
Our service is free without any obligation whatsoever. Simply fax us your most recent processing statement and one of our many professionals will call you within 24 hours with an easy to understand “side by side” cost analyses of your rates.