Merchant Spotlight: Apollo Cleaning

We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Joseph Adibu, owner of Chicago’s Apollo Cleaning to learn about his experience with Sekure Payment Experts. We wanted to discover how we’ve helped him look after the payment side of things, such as resolving POS issues, so he could focus on great customer service. Read on to learn more.
Easy onboarding and the latest hardware
One aspect of Sekure that resonated with Joseph was the ease with which he could change processors. Switching payment providers can be a complex and painful process, disrupting business operations and bringing many challenges. As a result, some merchants hesitate to make the move.
For Joseph, though, his dedicated Payment Expert at Sekure assured him it wouldn’t be the case—and it wasn’t. “The process was very easy and straightforward. It was just the best. There was no delay,” recounts Joseph. “There were no worries about moving from the other provider. Sekure took care of that,” he added.
As for processing power, we helped Joseph update his old POS equipment with new Payanywhere hardware. The result: fast processing speeds and wireless terminals that have helped the business immensely. Joseph—and his clients—are big fans of his new hardware: “There is no delay, nothing. You want a receipt, no problem. You want to carry it somewhere around the block? It’s reliable. All my clients love it.”
Payment reversals? No problem
When Joseph accidentally overcharged one of his clients (apparently, the hardware touchscreen was a little too fast for Joseph), he had to contact Sekure to rectify the situation as soon as possible because the client needed his money back.
Joseph appreciated the live telephone support to help him with the process. “I spoke to someone over the phone. Everything was done very fast and quick. It didn’t give me any difficulty at all and was free with the account.”
And a friendly reminder—don’t forget there’s a difference between payment reversals and chargebacks.
Worry-free payments
Joseph relies on Sekure to handle his payments so he can focus on what matters most to him: his clients. For him, his business isn’t just about dollars and cents—it’s about connecting with people—taking time to discuss family, politics, and the weather.
Reliability and great communication are the cornerstones of his operation. Joseph says, “I think we communicate very well with our customers. Everyone wants to tell me their life story.”
And we understand why: his infectious smile and incredible positivity are striking. He also provided our team with colorful client anecdotes that underscored his love of interacting with his customers. If you find yourself around Chicago and need clean laundry—or a friendly chat—Joseph at Apollo Cleaning is your guy.

Mission accomplished
Nothing makes us happier than hearing stories like Joseph’s. Our time with him showed us that we weren’t just an intermediary between merchant and payment provider—we were his partner. We’re doing our job so he can do his.
We’d love to grow with your business as well. Give us a call: we can answer all your questions and find a custom solution that fits your needs perfectly. We’d love to hear from you.