Get the best credit card processing rates in the business

Credit card fees can add up. From restaurants and retail stores to healthcare and professional service businesses, we help merchants of different industries save on fees by getting them the best possible credit card processing rates. Representing thousands of merchants each month, Sekure puts you in a unique position to take advantage of exclusive rates and other benefits only available through our partnerships.

Happy Sekure merchant running business

Your endless search for a better deal stops with Sekure

Running an efficient business means finding ways to save on processing fees.

We are not credit card processors. This gives us the freedom to offer unbiased advice and ensure you always have the right deal, with the perfect payment solution, now and forever.

  • We’ll analyze your credit card statement to determine what you need and what you don’t.
  • No need to negotiate. We’ll do it on your behalf.
  • Clear, transparent pricing with flexibility. You choose the plan that’s best for you.
  • Our Rate Sekurity Guarantee® is our pledge that you’re always getting the best possible deal.
Business owner viewing credit card statement
Merchant accepting credit card payment
Customer paying through credit card
Merchant accepting credit card payment

Not sure which option is best for you?

Our savings calculator shows how much you can save, based on your unique situation.

One-size-fits-all is a myth

Our Payment Experts develop a plan that fits your specific business goals.

At Sekure, we know better than to rely on one-size-fits-all credit card processing fee structures or point-of-sale system bundles.

Instead, our Payment Experts analyze every possible option available and craft a solution in tune with your unique needs.

Business owner viewing customised payment plan from Sekure

Our Payment Experts customized pricing to meet your business goals with no locked-in contract or strange fees.

Save 100% on your payment processing fees with Sekure’s Edge program.

Receive a simplified flat rate pricing structure with consolidated pricing that suits your needs.

Save money with transparent processing rates when accepting credit and debit card payments.

Rate Sekurity Guarantee®

Sekure is not a credit card processor. This gives our Payment Experts the freedom and flexibility to work with you to not only make sure you’re getting the best possible deal. But they also ensure you have the right point of sale hardware and software.
Learn more
Merchant owner

"The Rate Sekurity Guarantee® meant I wasn't getting taken advantage of anymore. I was getting the lowest rate for what’s best for my business. I never have to worry about hidden fees again.”

Laura Hamilton,

Owner of Laura's flower shop

It's easy

Talk to us now

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We can answer all your questions and find a custom solution that fits you perfectly.

The Sekure Merchant's guide

Not ready to talk?

Download our guide to find what you really need and stop paying for what you don‘t. Compare options for:

  • POS
  • Handheld terminal
  • Tablet
  • eCommerce
  • Virtual terminal
  • And more!

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