Solving common Ingenico terminal error codes with Sekure Payment Experts

Sekure provides merchant services and support for various payment terminals, including Ingenico. Many Ingenico terminals are reaching the end of their lives, and merchants may face several issues with their terminals. In this article, we will discuss the common Ingenico error codes, how to troubleshoot them, and how Sekure can help merchants in fixing these issues.
The Ingenico terminal is a popular payment device that enables merchants to process card payments in their physical stores. These terminals can sometimes display error codes, and troubleshooting them can be a daunting task for merchants. However, Sekure can help merchants with Ingenico troubleshooting to resolve common issues to keep their payment processing running smoothly.
Failure On All Coms is one of the most common Ingenico error codes that merchants may encounter with their terminals. This error code indicates that the terminal is unable to communicate with the acquirer or the payment gateway. The solution for this error is simple: the terminal should be rebooted by pressing the # and yellow button at the same time. If the terminal cannot be rebooted, unplugging it from the power supply may help. Merchants should also ensure that the terminal's communication properties are set correctly.If you’re receiving too many errors, one of the main differences between Ingenico vs Sekure is Sekure’s dedicated Payment Expert that can help with all of your troubleshooting needs.
Another common error code is the IWL220 Put on Base Error. This error code occurs when the Ingenico terminal is not properly connected to its base. To resolve this issue, the terminal should be restarted by selecting the # and yellow keys at the same time. Merchants should also ensure that the time and date on the terminal are correct and that the device is properly connected to the base. If the error persists, removing the base and re-adding it may help.
The Pin Pad Not Ready error code indicates that the processing terminal needs to be power-cycled, i.e., turned on and off. This simple solution can resolve the issue, and merchants can get back to processing payments in no time.

If the terminal screen is not lighting up or won't turn on, merchants should ensure that the power cable is connected and that the battery pack is connected. They should also check if the phone line or internet connection is working. If the terminal doesn't process a payment, merchants can hold the punctuation and clear buttons for 5 seconds until the device shuts off and then power it up by holding the enter button. If the terminal is still not able to process payments, merchants should contact Ingenico support for further assistance.
Printing problems with the Ingenico terminal can be resolved by ensuring that the paper roll is correctly installed and the cover of the roll compartment is closed. If merchants are using the Ingenico ICMP device, they should check if Bluetooth is enabled in iOS and if the device appears in 'My Devices.' If the device appears, they should try to reconnect the reader. If the pairing continues to fail and displays an error message, merchants should contact support to confirm if a hardware replacement is required.
In conclusion, Sekure can help merchants resolve common Ingenico error codes and troubleshoot issues to keep their payment processing running smoothly. Whether it's a simple power cycle or a more complex issue, Sekure can assist merchants in resolving their Ingenico-related problems. With excellent customer service and onboarding support, Sekure provides merchants with a reliable and efficient solution to their payment processing needs.